Why Precool is Important for Reefer Truck
Author:Corunclima Date:2017/07/28
Set temperature controller on a particular value to precool 90 mins for transport refrigeration unit, then heat inside container will be ejected. Sometimes reefer truck would be pulled over for loading, and temperature inside container is nearly same as outside. If without precool, the cargo may be damaged for rising temperature.
Another reason for cargo damage is temperature difference between container interior and cargo itself, precool would make cooling evenly and prevent the problem happening.
From what has been mentioned above, temperature difference is a key factor during loading and unloading, so shut off transport refrigeration unit is advised. On condition the unit keeps on operating, positive pressure will exist on the front side of evaporator blower and negative pressure on the rear. With container door opening and heat exchange, cooling wind is blown on the upside of container and heat will enter from the bottom. This will cause inside temperature rise. With transport refrigeration unit shut off, wind pressure inside and outside container will be equal. Thus the slower heat exchange is, the slower temperature rises.
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Zhengzhou Corun. Tech. Co. Ltd., & Corunclima
With nearly 20 yrs’ exp. in R&D and manufacture in transport refrigeration unit and all-electric air conditioner, Corunclima gradually evolves from manufacturer to professional consultant of eco-friendly, cost-effective, customizable transport cooling solution.